Wakely Medicare Advantage Competitive Analysis Tool (WMACAT)
It’s the smartest CAT in Medicare.
You can’t manage what you can’t measure. That’s why the Wakely Medicare Advantage Competitive Analysis Tool (WMACAT) is an essential resource for health plans. With WMACAT, plans can get the full measure of the Medicare Advantage market by comparing benefits and market information at the national, state, and county levels. Then they can use this data to evaluate plan designs and make themselves stand out in a crowded marketplace.
The data you need, the way you need it.
The WMACAT tool presents data for competitive analysis in two different formats:
- In Excel, for a comprehensive comparison of benefits
- In a Power BI dashboard, for digging deeper into market/county statistics, such as:
- Enrollment
- Star Ratings
- Historical risk scores
- and more
Request a consultation to learn more about WMACAT.
Research, analyze, compare: WMACAT makes it easier.
Using the WMACAT tool, you can:

Perform market competitive analysis
Compare these key market characteristics by both geography and plan:
- Medicare enrollment
- Market share
- Member premium
- Benefit details
- Allows you to see detailed plan performance results, year over year

Compare plan designs based on total value
- Determine which plans are most valuable, based on member expected out-of-pocket cost
- Filter to see comprehensive supplemental benefit information, like details on OTC, Dental, Vision, Hearing, and Transportation

Get detailed plan benefit information
- Inform plan designs with competitor benefit information
- Get new details on the latest supplemental benefit offerings, including their value