Michael Forster

Director (Actuarial)


(917) 819-0283

Michael Forster, FSA, MAAA works in the New York office of Wakely Consulting Group, LLC. Michael joined Wakely in 2016. He has extensive experience working with the state of Vermont on its all-payer Medicaid ACO model. Michael works on Medicare and Provider analytics along with Medicaid rate setting. He has led projects for health plans and state agencies throughout the country. His recent work has been on the development of the Wakely Health Analytics and Operational Optimization (WAHOO) suite of tools to help health plans and providers with all aspects of their business. The tool has proved to be successful for small start-up health plans as well as nationwide carriers. Michael has also worked extensively over the last year within a health plan on monthly Medicare financial reporting. This work includes monthly Incurred But Not Reported (IBNR) estimates, risk accrual estimates, forecasting, budgeting, minimum MLR filings, DIR filings, and various other financial items. He has communicated and worked directly with financial leaders at the organization to automate processes and identify opportunities for improvement. Michael has analyzed detailed claims data and worked with other Wakely actuaries to set rates.