Wakely Affordable Care Act Competitive Analysis Tool (WACACAT)

The Wakely Affordable Care Act Competitive Analysis Tool (WACACAT) is designed for users to gather market intelligence for the individual, small group, and catastrophic commercial markets. The interactive tool allows users to dynamically explore market share, profitability, risk adjustment, plan availability, and premium amounts on a PowerBI dashboard. Wakely has combined public data sources to create analytic driven visuals that allow users to quickly gather insights about their current and future marketplaces.

The tool incorporates publicly available data published by the Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and other data sources. These include:

  • Unified Rate Review Templates
  • Health Insurance Exchange Public Use Files
  • Premium Stabilization Reports
  • Landscape Files
  • And More!

The data is summarized by our team of industry experts to provide detailed insights at the state, rating area, and county levels. The screenshots below show just a sample of the tool’s capabilities.

Premium relativities by year, metal, and rating area can be explored. Users can interact with the tool to quickly see competitive positioning, metal level relativities, and premium changes over time

Wakely Affordable Care Act Competitive Analysis Tool

In addition to providing plan level premium information, the WACACAT tool also provides calculations for the second lowest silver benchmark plans by rating area. This calculation includes year-over-year trends as these values are influenced by market forces and influence the buying power of subsidized members in the individual market.

Wakely Affordable Care Act Competitive Analysis Tool

Try out the tool today! A demo version of the dashboard is available upon request. For more information about WACACAT, please contact your Wakely Consultant or WACACATSupport@Wakely.com.